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How Can I Increase My Income?

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Jim Rohn is one of my favorite motivational speakers to listen to. The way he talks, he is able to be direct and use common sense and explain easily what it takes to live a more successful life. I highly recommend listening to some of his past speeches.

He talks consistently about what it takes to increase your income. In Jim Rohn’s speeches, he consistently teaches that in order to increase your income you have to increase your value in the marketplace. I have seen in my own professional career, that this is definitely accurate. The more value you can add, the more clients you can serve, and the more your employer will pay you or the more you can make in your business. However, there is more to it than just being able to add value or being more valuable to the marketplace. It also really matters what business you are in, what job you are in, what industry you are in, and how much influence you can have.

In my book, Six Figures After College, I elaborate on what I did and what strategies I used to be able to make over $100,000 per year within 3 years of college graduation. I definitely tried to become more valuable, but in my situation, that was only half of the equation. Gaining more knowledge, more know-how, more experience, and more influence in your industry will definitely put you on a path for higher earning potential, but there are many other components to increasing your income in your given career path. This blog article is too short to go into too much detail, but you can get an in-depth study of it from my book by clicking here.

At SideBusinessFreedom, we love being involved in a business that is designed to make you more money and also help you add more value and influence and in turn increase your levels of success in every part of your life. We’ve partnered with a company that is being led by some of the top leaders in the United States for success coaching. And our Digital Mobile App, will allow you to take advantage of the platform economy and syphon off some of those profits in the way of passive income. But, in order to have a successful side business and become a successful entrepreneur and business owner, you need to have strong convictions. Our lives often times get in the way of our success. Whether we are busy with our day job or business, or our families demand too much time from us, or we are distracted by too much media, without absolute conviction to do and become something else, something better, then you may never reach your ultimate goals of the successful life that you dream of. Managing our time correctly and focusing on what tasks will bring us the most success is critical. The 80/20 rule is key. Usually, it is only 20% of the things we are doing that will actually bring us more success and value. The other 80% may be distracting us and not adding value.

Worse of all, we may be in the wrong career path. Maybe we are doing what we thought we wanted to do, but it is not giving us the income or the lifestyle we really want. I think we all get busy trying to be successful and then we get even more busy being successful, but that success was not really what we wanted, it just makes us busier and may play a bad side effect to keeping us from the life we really want.

That is why at Side Business Freedom we want to focus our business on Passive Income. If we can build Passive Income through our business, then we can build a life that is not limited by our success. We can continue to build the Passive Income and the extra income will allow us more time in other parts of our lives. In contrast, if you are successful and become even more successful in your job or business and you are making Active income, the kind of income that you always must work for, then the more successful/busy you become, the more it may take away from the things that really matter in life - like your family, your relationships, and being able to serve others.

None of this change or success happens overnight. It is a process! We don’t just get a high paying job right out of college or we can’t just decide that we want to make more passive income just because we want to. It is all a process! And the process of becoming who you want to be and to have the level of success that will make your life great in all aspects will take time and patience and a lot of conviction. But you do need to be on the right path so you can begin the process for greatness. Come and see if Side Business Freedom is the right path for you! Book a 25-minute plan meeting now.

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